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Natural Remedies For Hidradenitis Suppurativa

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If you have hidradenitis suppurativa, you’re probably very familiar with the lumpy abscesses that can develop during a flare. Often unsightly, the affected areas can become severely inflamed and even infected. In advanced cases, lesions may need to be removed by a surgeon to prevent it from spreading. This can make the condition seem overwhelming—so if you’ve been here yourself, you’re not alone. While there’s no cure for hidradenitis suppurativa, topical ointments like steroid creams and certain medications can sometimes offer relief. Read More»

Back Pain And Pregnancy: Causes And Methods For Relief

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When you’re pregnant, you can’t take most pain medications. But, you’re also experiencing worlds of discomforts, especially lower back pain. Knowing what causes it and the different methods for relief can help you achieve more comfort during your pregnancy. Why does back pain often accompany pregnancy?  The lower back pain that comes with pregnancy is caused by a number of factors working together. The biggest culprits are: Relaxin. This is a hormone that your body starts to release during pregnancy which makes all of your muscles and joints more loose. Read More»

Coping With Terminal Pancreatic Cancer: Planning End-Of-Life Care

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According to the American Cancer Society, doctors diagnose more than 45,000 new cases of pancreatic cancer every year. Over recent years, the disease has become more common in the United States, and now accounts for around 7 percent of all cancer-related deaths. If a doctor decides that the disease is incurable, he or she will work with other healthcare professionals to put together a care plan to make the patient as comfortable as possible. Read More»

Exercise Cardiac Stress Tests: What They Are And What They Can Tell You

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Cardiologists not only help people who have a history of heart disease, but they are also trained to test otherwise healthy patients when they are having signs of possible heart problems. One way a cardiologist can help learn about the health of your heart, as well as its level of function, is by giving you a cardiac stress test. What Are Exercise Cardiac Stress Tests? Stress tests are conducted to assess your heart’s ability to perform the basic functions that it needs to be able to do to work correctly. Read More»

History Of Chiropractic Care | Timeline Of Events & Milestones

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As treatments and medications come out with unfavorable side effects, more people are turning to natural healing methods. One common natural healing method is chiropractic care. Chiropractors are very popular because they can provide musculoskeletal treatments that average medical doctors can’t. While many believe chiropractic care is an ancient technique, it’s not as old as you may think. Here is a history on how chiropractic care began, along with some major milestones it has achieved. Read More»

3 Misconceptions About Palliative Care

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Most people associate medical care with cures and recovery. That’s why it’s often very difficult for family members to understand and accept the notion of palliative care – comfort care given to a patient that’s not intended to cure, but instead to ease the pain associated with terminal or chronic illness. When a patient decides in favor of palliative care, it’s often their family members and loved ones who have the most difficulty handling all of the possible implications of that choice. Read More»

Choosing Independent Senior Living: How To Help Convince Your Parents It's The Right Choice

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According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the average life expectancy of an American female in 2012 was over 81 years of age and for a male, it’s over 76. Even if your parents are alive, well and stubborn, they might insist on living in their own home, even though the upkeep is becoming overwhelming. If you’re researching a senior living community and your parents are adamant it’s for “ Read More»

Vitamin D Levels Could Have Significant Impact On Asthma Treatment

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The adage, “You learn something new every day” is certainly correct for a recent study on the link between vitamin D and asthma. It appears that researchers have correlated vitamin D levels with the frequency of attacks suffered by asthma patients. The lower a patient’s vitamin D level, the more likely the patient is to suffer an asthma attack. This could be a significant breakthrough in the treatment of asthma. Read More»

Nutritious And Labor Friendly Foods To Offer Pregnant Mothers

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If you are a midwife, then it is your job to help expectant mothers through the birthing process. You will most likely assist with home births and this means that birthing pools, essential oils, and heating pads are things that you commonly use. It can take five hours or more for a mother to go through active labor, and this means that you will spend a great deal of time helping mothers through their deliveries. Read More»

6 Ways That Rapid Prototyping Is Revolutionizing Health Care

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Technology has revolutionized the health care industry in ways that seem almost like the stuff of science fiction novels. No one would have thought just twenty short years ago that printers would someday be able to create reproductions of so many different things – including body parts! Nonetheless, rapid prototyping, otherwise known as 3-D printing, has helped the health care industry make giant strides in keeping people keeping healthy and happy. Read More»