Soothing a Fever

Here's What You Should Know About Getting An Allergy Skin Test Done

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Whether you’re susceptible to regular, irregular, or seasonal allergies, getting an allergy skin test done can help you identify exactly what’s causing your allergic symptoms so you can minimize your exposure and therefore your symptoms as time goes on. Here are the basics you should know about getting an allergy skin test done: The Initial Consultation You can expect to sit down with your allergy test doctor one-on-one and discuss your medical history as well as the allergy symptoms that you tend to experience throughout the year. Read More»

Alternatives To Inpatient Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs

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If you have an addiction to alcohol and want to stop drinking, then it is in your best interest to look into an alcohol rehab program. And, while the residential programs are successful for most people, there are some other options that are available to you that do not involve a live-in environment. Keep reading to learn about a few of them so you can start to develop the plan that works the best for you. Read More»

Infused Toothpicks? Why This Odd New Product Is Picking Its Way To Popularity

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An “infused” toothpick is not that new of an idea. Thirty years (and more) ago, toothpick companies would dip toothpicks in peppermint oil as a means of helping people feel as though they had fresher breath and cleaner gums after a meal. Since peppermint oil is also a natural digestive aid, the assumption was that the peppermint oil from the toothpicks would act in the same way as an after-dinner mint or mint gum. Read More»

Considering Implant Dentistry? 4 Questions To Ask Your Dentist

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After a dental injury or condition that has resulted in missing teeth, restoring your smile is important. Although having a complete smile is essential for your appearance, a full set of teeth will also help reduce the risk of dental complications, bone loss, and speech/eating issues. Of course, there are many options available if you want to restore your smile. Today, more and more people are opting for dental implants because of the many benefits they offer. Read More»

Parents Who Make Port Wine Stains "Fun" May Alleviate A Child's Anxiety

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Port wine stain birthmarks may cause a multitude of emotional problems in children if they are sensitive about their appearance. Thankfully, parents can take a unique step—making the stain fun—to stave off the need for treatment. However, removal is often the best option for children who can’t overcome their anxiety. Port Wine Stains May Make Children Anxious Port wine stains may trigger anxiety in many children because of the prominence the birthmark may have on their face. Read More»